Saturday, June 29, 2013

Why, Mind Vomit, and Jesus

Trying to figure out how to write my first blog while in Taiwan has been difficult to say the least.  Because of who I am at the core, I want to write something catchy and slightly poetic, but at the same time, I want to be honest and real.  I want to write something that flows and tells a story, but at the same time, my brain goes 137 mph and changes its mind faster then most girls I have met (just kidding).  Finally, I settled with just writing whatever my brain is focused upon, like throwing up my mind’s thoughts onto a page, that way I stay to true to myself and whichever of you people decide to read this blog.

So here we go:

One of my many experiences while here in Taiwan is getting to spend time with one of my favorite families, the Korells.  During my first visit at their lovely Taiwanese home, their little boy comes running through the house, punching and hitting stuff like most little boys do.  He then proceeds to take his large, blow up, tiger (it is his new best friend) and hit his mom with it repeatedly.  Of course, she tells him to stop, and almost immediately, he asks, “Why?” You should have seen the smile on my face (the same smile was not on Mrs. Korell’s face) when he asked this question.  I smiled because my favorite question in the world is by far the question “Why?”  Some of you, if not all of you, who know me have probably experienced this from time to time, even to the point where you have been annoyed.  I love to ask the question why because I think it reveals so much about a person, and honestly, how often do we actually consider why we think something or believe something.  So here I am, in the middle of Taichung, Taiwan, hearing a toddler ask my favorite question in the world, when the weight of that question hit and proceeded to embedded itself into my heart and soul.  “Why?”

That is the question that has been the hardest thing for me on this trip so far.  I keep asking myself, “Why?” Why am I here? What is the point? Why did I leave Nashville, where I am blessed to be part of something incredible that God is doing, to spend two months in a country where I do not know the language and I do not know what I am doing? Why did I choose to come to a country where my heart does not lye, instead of going on an adventure in England, where my heart is clearly longing to be? Why did I choose to come to a country where it is clear that Satan has infiltrated the religion and culture, a place where I am truly terrified of the very real spiritual warfare?  Why am I here? And it is in these moments, when the night is dark and pressing in, when I get up from sleep and step into the heat of the next room, when the depression, that constant hovering cloud, sinks in, my mind screams to know, “Why?”

I am not going lie, that question has not left me alone.  It proceeds to run circles in my head.  But there is another truth that I has been constant in these days since I have left the states, and that is Jesus. He has shown himself constantly.  He showed himself in a broken conversation with a little boy over his Batman shirt and my Superman tank top, and how awesome those heroes are.  He showed himself in prayer as we walked under the eye of one of the local temples.  He showed himself in reconnecting with old friends from JC, especially when we get to share how much Jesus has done and changed in us in the past two years.  He has shown himself in the many teachers who are here, who desire to share his word and his love.  He has shown himself in my roommate who is from Brazil and has spent a year away from his home, his family, and his girlfriend, chasing the Lord all over the world.  He has shown himself in his word, which has jumped out and spoken to me constantly throughout this adventure.  He has shown himself by answering my favorite question.  My mind asks, “Why?” and Jesus answers loudly and boldly with himself. And I know for a fact, he will keep revealing himself and showing himself until I am amazed, astonished, and afraid of all that he is by the end of this trip.

So I leave with you what Jesus pressed in on me while I set depressed in an Atlanta airport, questioning why and doubting this Great Perhaps:

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

                                                                                                -John 14:27

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Prayer Requests

Acts 4:29-30:
29 And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, 30 while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

Dear Friends, Family, and Random Supporters,

            In less then 24 hours I depart on the next grand adventure in my life.  I fly from Nashville to Atlanta to Tokyo (such a long flight!!) to my final destination of Taiwan, where I will be living and serving for roughly two months.  Because this adventure is about to occur, I have had many close friends and family ask me what they can be praying for while I am gone.  So I figured writing a blog would be easiest and the best possible way to present those prayer requests, and a great way to start my official blog in Taiwan. So here we go:

            Please pray for safe travels as I am doing this great expedition on my own. One thing that Dave Clayton, from Ethos, has really pressed in on me lately is that whenever Jesus was around people, their lives got better.  The same should be said about his followers, and so pray that in my interactions with people throughout the trip, the workers, flight attendants, other passengers, that people’s lives would get better because they are in the vicinity of someone who loves Jesus.  Pray Jesus is glorified in every interaction and conversation.  While I may be traveling alone, I am never alone with Jesus.  Also, I wouldn’t mind if you prayed for some sleep and rest on the long flight from Atlanta to Tokyo.

            Once there, pray for the students that are coming to learn, whether it’s English or Jesus.  Pray that God touches their lives and draws them closer to him during their time at SYME, even if they don’t realize it.  Pray he will speak through me and that he will constantly be teaching through me, because it is clear that my East Tennessee accent severely handicaps my ability to teach proper English. But ministry is not ministry if we can do it alone.  Pray against any attacks of the enemy.  Whether or not you believe in spiritual warfare, it is very real, and very evident in Taiwan.  Pray in the name of Jesus that all attacks of the enemy are crushed now in advance, because there is no doubt that Jesus is above all.

Lastly, pray Acts 4:29-30 over the entire trip.  Pray against the threats of the enemy.  Pray for the team to be able to constantly speak the Word.  Pray that we will have boldness pouring out of our lives for Jesus.  And pray that God will do what only he can do, the supernatural.  We can present Jesus and the cross with words, but it takes the Holy Spirit to lead anyone into the empty tomb of resurrection.

I am so excited for the adventure.  I go to seek a Great Perhaps.  I am thankful for all of your prayers, and I truly believe that God is going to do life-altering things in Taiwan.  I love all of you very much.

In Him,
Isaac Jones

Isaiah 26:8