Sunday, July 14, 2013

To Do: Drink Coffee

Monday’s in Taiwan are my “To Do” days.  They are the days when I don’t teach, and I get to take time to myself and get crap done.  I love these days for multiple reasons: (1.) I get time away by myself to recharge and prepare, which is needed, as I have lately discovered that I am actually an introvert who is highly sociable, (2.) I get to mark things off my to do list, which brings me more joy then a lot of other things could possible bring me, (3.) I love coffee shops.  In Nashville, my Saturday’s are usually my “To Do” days, and I typically fill those afternoons with a different coffee shop, a cup of black coffee (iced or hot depending on the weather), work to do, and every once and a while, a friend who wants to tag along.  Somehow, I always find my way to a coffee shop on a Saturday to get things done, so where else would you expect me to be on my Monday’s here in Taiwan? I am sitting in lovely coffee shop, drinking a delicious iced coffee because it is always freaking hot in Taiwan, and completing my “To Do” list for the week.

Along with completing my to do list, the other thing I love to do in my coffee shops is to dive deep into the word, my journal of thoughts, and Jesus.  In these moments, it’s as if Jesus and I are having a conversation over a cup of coffee. A conversation in which I reflect upon all he has done lately, all he has taught me, and in which he prepares me for what is coming.  So today, as I sit sipping on my cup of coffee, listening to Twenty One Pilots, and reflecting on Jesus, I thought I would share some of the things he is doing lately:

1.     He is drawing non-believers to him.  We have about half of our students who do not know Jesus at all.  Some of them had never heard of the name of Jesus or the Bible until two weeks ago when they came to SYME.  Now, each day, they are reading the bible for homework and discussing Jesus in classes like Life of Christ.  Already it is cool to see what Jesus is doing with that time.  One of our students, whose sister recently accepted Christ, went to church for one of the first times and came back talking about how much he learned.  Another student is learning what it means to be God-designed, purpose-intended, significant, lavishly-loved, prince, and son of the King of the Universe.  Several of the students are asking questions, deep questions, and you can see their eyes light up as they study the word and encounter Jesus for the first time.  And that is the key, and something I truly believe, when people encounter Jesus, the real Jesus, they are drawn to him and they are changed.  It is what has shaped my life in the past two years.  I began to see, understand, and study the real Jesus, the Jesus from the bible, not the Jesus from our dead-religion, and I have fallen madly in love with him because Jesus is an incredible, life saving, truth baring, grace showing, man.  If you don’t believe me, try it for yourself.  The reality of Jesus changes people. It changed me, and it is rapidly changing the lives of students here.
2.     He is teaching his followers daily.  Whether its from a Secret Church on Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare, which some of the staff did on Friday night, or through personal encounters with him, Christ is teaching all of us something.  I have learned about endurance, and the importance of a quiet time just to make it through a day.  I have learned what it actually looks like to pray continuously, because here, you need to pray constantly and continuously.  By spending so much time with Matt and Sarah’s kids, I have learned how different the bible looks when seen through the eyes of child.  Because of the language barrier, I have learned how complicated we tend to make the gospel through our use of Christianese.  The gospel is simple: “For God so loved the world, he sent his only son, that whoever believes him shall not die but have everlasting life.”  It is all about Jesus, it always has been, and it always will be. Jesus is reminding me not to forget that key message.
3.     He is teaching me how fun seeking a Great Perhaps actually his when you are already seeking The Great Perhaps in him.  I have now officially survived a typhoon (hurricane), eaten strange food like sea urchin (I still refuse to eat the Stinky Tofu), gotten lost, created relationships with people around the world, (from Brazil to Taiwan), attended a Chinese church, and seen that Jesus is still Jesus around the world.  He is moving, he is loving, he is saving, and he is inviting us in to seek the Great Perhaps. This question is always, will you join him?

So I leave you with this:

“We proclaim to you that which we have seen and heard, so that you may have fellowship with us, and our fellowship is with the Father and his son Jesus Christ.”

                                                                                                            -1 John 1:3

“I go to seek a Great Perhaps.”

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