Monday, July 22, 2013

Random Thoughts and Stinky Tofu

Every time I write one of these I want to be as creative as possible and bury as much meaning as I can within every word.  It is just who I am; its how God has wired me, but if I honestly tried to do that with every blog post, there probably wouldn’t be very many blog posts.  This is simply because there is so much going on here, my mind has a hard time focusing and connecting to themes.  Instead, I just want to throw mind vomit all over this page and hope who ever is unfortunate enough to read this can process the mass quantity and craziness of my thoughts.  Therefore, you are warned now, the following subject is messy mind vomit that might contain smells as raunchy as Stinky Tofu

-This weekend we visited Sun Moon Lake.  It was beautiful with incredible hiking and boating.  I was blessed to eat traditional Taiwanese food like a whole, boiling fish, small, crunchy shrimps with their shells still attached, and some steamed bamboo.  The hike was incredible, and Taiwanese people clearly do not enjoy exercising in the heat, because I thought my students were going to die the whole time as the sweated, breathed hard, and complained. Pictures can be found on Facebook if you are feeling really bored.

-Language barriers and Christianese.  Have you every tried to explain the truth of Jesus to someone who struggles to speak English? Have you tried it when you have a lovely East Tennessee accent, which my wonderful friend Bobby can mimic quite well? Have you ever had to explain terms like salvation, repentance, and threshing floor in basic terms? It is freaking hard, and it has constantly reminded me how complicated we make the Gospel and faith.  In the end it is so simple, its about God sending Jesus to die for us so that we can be with him forever.  It is the ultimate love story and let’s not forget that fact. 

-One of the favorites of my friend Alexa while here is to climb everything she sees.  Her excuse for this is that she is a foreigner, and she does not speak Chinese.  Oddly enough it has worked quite well as we have climbed a large elephant statue in front of a temple, posed like the Titanic on the front of a moving boat, and swung from the hanging drumstick of a large drum at the temple.  Remember, if anyone asks, just shake your head and say you don’t speak Chinese.

-I’m on my fourth book in three weeks while being here, and I have written at least 5 poems.  My mind is on hyper drive when it comes to literature and language, and I am not complaining about this at all.  My reading class is having a competition with me to see who can read the most pages in one week.  Guess who is winninng….

-My students have nicked named my Captain America.  One, I have absolutely no problem with this what so ever.  Two, I haven’t had many nicknames in my life, so this one just feels perfect.  Go ‘Merica.

-Tea here is absolutely amazing.  It is a staple of their diet, and it is addicting.  I have tried everything from Oolong tea to Milk Tea.  The fruit tea from Mr. Wish puts Pal’s to shame (I can’t believe I just said that), and I will never be able to order my Route 44 Diet Mango Green Tea from Sonic after having tasted real Mango Green Tea here.

-Meanwhile, I am a growing boy, and the food has a tendency to always leave me hungry.  I guess I just need to drink more tea to fill my belly.

-I leave with you these two things both about God moving here.
1. One of my students brought me to tears on Thursday.  We had been discussing how much he is worth in the eyes of Jesus.  He has struggled with the concept, and seeing as I have spent almost half of my life now wrestling with depression, I feel like I could relate.  I shared with him that God says he has so much worth that he is now priceless.  I also shared a truth that has shaped my life: We are God-designed, purpose-intended, significant, lavishly-loved, prince/princess, son/daughter of the King of the Universe.  He proceeded to share these truthes to the entire student body here in a talk he gave at Chapel.  God has been constantly reminding us in the past week his love for us through things like that.
2. One of my prayers I would like you to join me is simply this: Pray that the Spirit of God fills SYME to much that when random people walk in off the street, they are impacted, and that none of us, teachers or students, leave without loving Jesus more and more.  God is moving, and we are following his lead.  Join me in this.

“Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: ‘I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go.”

                                                                                                                        -Isaiah 41:17

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